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Regular migration laws and their bilateral benefit

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Migrants and the countries that host them often benefit from certain measures that the latter implemented to allow legal migration to produce regular trafficking of people and that in turn favors the destination nations.

At this moment you may be wondering how these measures benefit migrants and which are they. Regularized migration provides some levels of protection to the migrant, being very important: control over human trafficking; have documentation that helps eliminate labor exploitation; It provides legal elements to go to the authorities when some type of violence, abuse, discrimination, among others, occurs, and also helps social inclusion, access to supports and legal protection by the receiving state; access to health, education and benefits protected by international rights. On the other hand, by having legality, the migrant feels safe to attend the consulates or embassies of their countries of origin to legalize documents or request protection if necessary. Although it is worth clarifying that everyone, regardless of their migrant status, can approach their national entities to ask for help.

Indeed, intergovernmental agreements such as the Global Pact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, state in their objective 5: “Increase the availability and flexibility of regular migration routes”, which implies the protection of human rights. of migrants, including those in vulnerable situations.

Likewise, the United Nations Network on Migration suggests that “the legal, political and administrative mechanisms that promote travel, admission and stay in the territory of a State on a regular basis” provide greater benefits of entry and permanence, which which allows improvements in the economic and fiscal conditions for countries, improves strategies for mitigating the effects of a crisis or emergencies, combats practices and conditions of labor exploitation, implements better socioeconomic conditions and social inclusion and enhances the effectiveness of public health strategies.

Below we explain a little about each policy mentioned above:

  1. Better economic and fiscal conditions for countries: “When people choose to migrate to a country irregularly, they tend to be employed in the informal economy or in illegitimate businesses” (Escobar, 2022) the idea of this measure is to mitigate this situation, opening regular migration accesses that allow people to be linked to formal labor markets, which affects the improvement of capabilities for the migrant and tax collection for the receiving states.
  2. Improve mitigation strategies for the effects of a crisis or emergencies: Implement routes that allow the entry of migrants from regularization; For example, when there is a lack of labor in recipient countries that need to cover gaps between supply and demand, it is positive and generates mutual benefits.
  3. Combat labor exploitation practices and conditions: “People in a regular situation can access the justice system more easily to report or denounce labor abuses than people who reside in the country irregularly, due to the latter's fear of being detected. and deported.” (Escobar,2022).
  4. Implement improvements in socioeconomic conditions and social inclusion: Regular migration allows migratory social and economic inclusion to have the opportunity to develop satisfactorily, so that they have access to safe and well-paid employment in accordance with its conditions. All of this contributes to a decent economic and social living condition.
  5. Enhance the effectiveness of public health strategies: “When people are in a country irregularly, their distrust of institutions is usually greater, which is why they will try to avoid coming into contact with the authorities due to their fear of being deported.” (Escobar,2022) the laws regulating regular migration allow the migrant to access health services and have reliable access to it by health providers.

To conclude: it is essential to seek reliable information about each of the countries to which you intend to migrate; know their legislations and laws; investigate, if possible, how public policies and Human Rights apply. And try to be certain about how the regulations work so that the benefit really is bilateral or mutual between the migrant and the host country. It is always important to consult and document before migrating so that people are protected with access to their Rights and Duties, which affects a better quality of life.


 Escobar, C. (12 de Mayo de 2022). OFICINA REGIONAL PARA CENTROAMERICA.NORTEAMÉRICA Y EL CARIBE . Obtenido de ¿POR QUÉ LAS OPCIONES DE MIGRACIÓN REGULAR BENEFICIAN A LAS PERSONAS MIGRANTES Y A LOS PAÍSES QUE LAS CREAN?: https://rosanjose.iom.int/es/blogs/por-que-las-opciones-de-migracion-regular-benefician-las-personas-migrantes-y-los-paises-que-las-crean



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