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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A path to a better future for all

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By: María Teresa López

Today we are going to talk about The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), these are an ambitious global roadmap agreed upon by 193 member countries of the United Nations in 2015, where goals were defined that we should achieve by 2030 to avoid irreversible changes in our planet. In total there are 17 interconnected objectives, which seek to address the most important challenges facing our society, and this ranges from the eradication of poverty to the protection of the environment and the promotion of equality.

The SDGs represent a call to action for EVERYONE, from governments and businesses to individuals, and offer a vision of a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

First let's talk about the SDGs in action

Since their adoption, the SDGs have inspired a host of sustainable actions around the world. For example, in Colombia, 10 companies, including PriceSmart, Genomma Lab, Domicilios.com, Alcagüete, Frisby and Alquería, signed the Gen Cero Child Nutrition Pact and committed to taking and supporting actions to eradicate chronic malnutrition in Colombia by 2030, thus contributing to SDG 2 Zero hunger. The Colombian brand Maaji has implemented an ambitious plan to promote sustainability and measure it through the SDGs, adhering to 5 of them, SDGs 6, 8, 12, 13, and 14.

After seeing some examples of the application, we are going to see the importance of the SDGs

The SDGs are fundamental to addressing the global and local problems we face today. Being interconnected, they address critical issues that affect people and the planet. Achieving these goals would not only improve the quality of life for millions of people, but would also preserve the environment for future generations (Remember what we talked about in the first article, What is sustainability and why is everyone talking about it? ). By addressing poverty, hunger, gender equality, education, access to health, sanitation, clean energy and many other areas, the SDGs seek to create a more just and sustainable world for all.

Now the question that remains is, How can each person contribute?

Although the SDGs are a roadmap for governments and institutions, each person can also contribute to their achievement. Here are some simple ways each of us can make a difference:

  • Consume responsibly: Opt for products and services that are sustainable and respectful of the environment.
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle: Minimize waste and give objects a second life before throwing them away.
  • Promote equality: Advocate for gender equality and fight against discrimination and social exclusion.
  • Save energy and water: Adopt conscious habits to reduce the consumption of natural resources.
  • Participate in local initiatives: Join projects and organizations that work towards sustainability in your community.

Now, let's go to a very important point, the role of companies and organizations regarding the SDGs.

Companies and organizations also have a key role in the implementation of the SDGs. Aligning with objectives can generate benefits for both the company and society in general. Companies can contribute by adopting sustainable business practices, promoting equality in the workplace and reducing their environmental footprint. By doing so, they can demonstrate their commitment to a more sustainable future and earn the trust of consumers. The SDGs are a strong tool for measuring impact (Remember what we talked about in our previous article WHAT CANNOT BE MEASURED, CANNOT BE IMPROVED: THE KEY TO AVOIDING GREENWASHING IN SUSTAINABLE FASHION) that allows us to unite goals and indicators of each government, and company to the goals indicated by the SDGs, so we do not repeat that we are 100% sustainable but rather that we have great support.

The Sustainable Development Goals offer us a guide to face global challenges and transform our world into a more just and sustainable one. From the individual to large companies, we all have an important role to play in achieving the SDGs. By working together, we can achieve a better future for all, where prosperity is in harmony with respect for the planet we inhabit.


 1* https://blog.fundacionexito.org/noticias/empresarios-firman-pacto-y-se-comprometen-con-la-nutricion-infantil-en-colombia#:~:text=10%20compa%C3%B1%C3%ADas%2C%20entre%20ellas%20PriceSmart,cr%C3%B3nica%20en%20Colombia%20para%202030.

2*  https://co.maaji.co/pages/sustainability

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