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Required Documentation to Immigrate Legally

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People have life goals and objectives and among them migrating is an option. And, if the intention is to migrate abroad, whether in a short, medium or long-term period, it requires preparation and conditions that allow some security in the process.

What to do?

If the migration is based on work reasons, it is very important to generate from the point of origin the greatest amount of information, contacts and documents that allow for the best possible result. It is always important to obtain as much information about each country as the requirements may be different from one place to another, such as:

  1. What are the employment rates in the destination you intend to go to and very specifically in the field in which you work or intend to work.
  2. How the economy works in the place where you are going.
  3. Check at the embassy or consulate of the place to which you wish to migrate if there are personnel application programs and if there is aid for this.
  4. Seek real information on the cost of rent, family basket, transportation, schools or colleges (if you have a family), taxes and other internal regulations of the country to have a clear picture of what you may possibly earn and the costs you would need to cover.
  5. It is important to know what opportunities exist for renting housing and what documents are required for this.
  6. If you are traveling with a job offer: from the place of origin, investigate carefully if the company is legal, if it does not have legal or other problems.
  7. Don't pay to be hired. Don't even enter chains of illegal procedures.
  8. Process visas correctly; Do not fall into job or visa offer networks or pay for illegal procedures of any kind.
  9. Always inform your family, friends or loved ones where you are going and maintain a point of contact.
  10. Try as much as possible to ensure a safe place to get to. Don't expose your life.

Regarding documentation:

  1. Academic diplomas:
  • Certify all the educational qualifications you have, this must be done in your place of origin in accordance with the requirements of the place you intend to go. It is very important that they have certification that they are legal in their place of origin.
  • It is important that they have been translated into the language of the destination country before being legalized.


  1. Resume:
  • Check about migrant associations that may exist in the country you are going to or serious entities that can advise you on the correct way to present your experience.
  • Honesty and truthfulness in information are vital.
  • Being specific in the presentation is essential. Do not go around or explain too much because it is confusing.
  1. Job reference letters:
  • The honesty and veracity of the information are vital. Provide concrete data that is easy to verify and that does not give rise to doubts in the total transparency of the information.
  1. Certification of good conduct.
  • Every country verifies states of good conduct, so it is important to carry the information because in any case, the country you arrive at will verify it by their own means.


  1. Economic aspect.
  • In case of pursuing a job achievement or exploration plan, it is important to have the legal documentation to enter the new territory.
  • Bring money that guarantees your stay without anguish or problems.
  • Demonstrate that you are staying at the home of a family member or acquaintance who provides you with food and housing for the duration of your job search.
  • Carry health insurance, keep in mind that there are countries where health security is extremely expensive and taking care of life is essential.
  1. Language aspect
  • If you know the language, you have come a long way when you arrive at the new place.
  • In case you don't know, as soon as you arrive, integrate and learn as soon as possible so that your social, economic and labor inclusion is easier.


If your desire is to go to provide better living conditions in your place of origin; Have a good conversation with your family group before you leave and put together a financial management plan with a clear objective.

  • Your remittances may vary from month to month.
  • Your income may vary.
  • Keep in mind that you will have personal expenses in the place you are going and in that country's currency that must be covered.
  • Encourage your family to start a venture or business so that the money you send is multiplied and guarantees stability for everyone.
  • Always inform your family about the reality of the new place, do not generate fantasies or false expectations.
  • If you are a family group that intends to travel, keep in mind that you must investigate the place you intend to reach and even more so if there are minors. It is vital to carry complete documentation for everyone, including a complete vaccination card (in the case of minors) and Covid due to current times.


Always do things legally, do not put your life in the hands of unscrupulous people or entities of dubious status.

Life is essential and always, despite informing ourselves and taking precautions, we must keep in mind that it is a change of life and for this we must also be mentally and emotionally prepared.



MEQUIEROIR.COM. (s.f.). Obtenido de Títulos y diplomas académicos: https://www.mequieroir.com/antes-de-partir/documentacion-emigrar/academicos/

MEQUIEROIR.COM. (s.f.). Obtenido de Currículo para emigrar: https://www.mequieroir.com/antes-de-partir/documentacion-emigrar/curriculo-emigrar/

MEQUIEROIR.COM. (s.f.). Obtenido de Cartas de referencia laboral: https://www.mequieroir.com/antes-de-partir/documentacion-emigrar/referencia-laboral/

MEQUIEROIR.COM. (s.f.). Obtenido de Antecedentes Judiciales: https://www.mequieroir.com/antes-de-partir/documentacion-emigrar/certificado-policial/

MEQUIEROIR.COM. (s.f.). Obtenido de Demostración de solvencia financiera: https://www.mequieroir.com/antes-de-partir/documentacion-emigrar/solvencia-financiera/

MEQUIEROIR.COM. (s.f.). Obtenido de Constancia de dominio del idioma: https://www.mequieroir.com/antes-de-partir/documentacion-emigrar/dominio-idioma/

MEQUIEROIR.COM. (s.f.). Obtenido de Fotografías: https://www.mequieroir.com/antes-de-partir/documentacion-emigrar/fotografias/

MEQUIEROIR.COM. (s.f.). Obtenido de Formulario de solicitud: https://www.mequieroir.com/antes-de-partir/documentacion-emigrar/formulario-solicitud/

MEQUIEROIR.COM. (s.f.). Obtenido de Documentación para grupos familiares: https://www.mequieroir.com/antes-de-partir/documentacion-emigrar/grupos-familiares/

MEQUIEROIR.COM. (s.f.). Obtenido de Examen médico: https://www.mequieroir.com/antes-de-partir/documentacion-emigrar/examen-medico/

MEQUIEROIR.COM. (s.f.). Obtenido de Legalización y traducción de documentos: https://www.mequieroir.com/antes-de-partir/documentacion-emigrar/legalizacion-traduccion/

MEQUIEROIR.COM. (2022). Obtenido de https://www.mequieroir.com/antes-de-partir/documentacion-emigrar/





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