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The economic impact of migration

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According to UNHCR (2022), “to rebuild a life it is necessary […] to regain control over one's future, [and] working to earn a living is a powerful way to achieve this.” Immigration involves the reconstruction of a life and it is through the possibility of working that immigrants achieve their proposed goals of progress.

The benefit is bilateral between the immigrant worker and the economy of the country that welcomes him. In this relationship of mutualism, the contributions of immigrants' skills represent added value to the natives of the destination country "improving the functioning of the economy in all areas" (Portes, 2019).

Some articles from 2011 indicate that in some countries the labor of less qualified immigrant people, who performed household care such as: domestic cleaning, child and elderly care, among others, helped to raise and increase the labor force participation of women. natives because they were able to expand their professional projections and develop academic and work processes without having to worry about domestic activities that were difficult for them to cover.

Despite the aforementioned positive impact regarding less qualified immigrants, “most countries give preferential treatment to highly qualified migrants” (Portes, 2019) since the contribution to the economy of the country or territory that hosts them is more direct because the professional contributes his knowledge to the benefits of the company or industry that hires him, which, in turn, generates benefits for the migrant. “But even these systems are somewhat unpredictable, since the labor market performance of recent immigrants in all of these countries does not match the educational qualifications of those immigrants” (Portes, 2019). At this point it is important to take into account the revalidations that are required to accept some professions that, many times, take years to be accepted by the host country.

Any person who wishes to migrate must always inform themselves and know their possibilities of success abroad, whether through their training, their experience or their abilities; and must be aware that even with the absence of studies that make them highly qualified, they can perform tasks that contribute to the country's economy, causing direct or indirect positive impacts.

People who emigrate have a commitment to rebuilding a life and must understand that their work has an impact on the economy of the destination country, so they also have a responsibility to contribute that underlies their daily work and that impacts the economy of a new territory that has the same intention to prosper.


Portes, J. (16 de septiembre de 2019). Contexts sociology for the public. Obtenido de la economía de la migración: https://contexts.org/articles/la-economia-de-la-migracion/

UNHCR ACNUR. (2022). Obtenido de Medios de vida e inclusión económica: https://www.acnur.org/medios-de-vida.html



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