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Suggestions for a correct migration

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Considering the possibility of going to a new destination is not an easy decision to make. It generates expectation, anxiety, worry, fear, stress while, in some people, mixed feelings arise in the face of doubt about the step that is assumed.

Migrating is an important challenge since it means moving to an unknown place to a territory of which, even if there are references or in the best of cases some contact, it is still worrying because it is an important change in people's lives.

Faced with this situation, questions and approaches arise that involve the emotionality of beings due to the intensity of the effects added to the expectations that arise such as: Will it be the right decision? Will the new territory really give me what I am looking for? ?Will my budget be adequate? Will immigration policies be fair for me as a migrant? Will I suffer xenophobia? And countless doubts or limitations that test any person and lead them to question whether the chosen destination is the turning point for their life.

Traveling abroad is a sensation that changes the way we see the world since it is not the same as having lived in a town all our lives and suddenly moving to a big city or country because there life takes a substantial turn.

Migrating is considering everything implicit in the multiplicity of actions present in a decision as serious as leaving a life behind to start building a new one; It is a process that leads to the knowledge of new structures and rules, both for coexistence, as well as social and legal, to include trivial things that, in everyday life, are normal but that in the new context become relevant and generate anxiety.

If the person migrates alone, they must face a series of situations that require a high capacity for adaptation, resilience, and courage because they are a solitary being facing various events that generate fear, fear, and anxiety, leading them to nostalgia for what has been left behind. ; Many may suffer crises since the unknown is still something that intimidates.

Moving involves losing your comfort zone, learning from other cultures and living a countless number of experiences, both positive and negative, that will support your new life. For this reason, having information is always an excellent starting point which, in turn, provides a little peace of mind and a certain security in the immigration process.

To make the process more accurate and pleasant, it is important to take into account:

  1. Have the papers in order:
  • Never access processors or people who offer you to perform procedures that can put your life at risk.
  • Do not acquire false documentation for any reason.
  • Do not pay for procedures that are not within entities such as consulates, embassies, universities or serious and duly verified companies in the territories.
  • Always verify the documentation that it has been completed, duly legalized and that it has complied with all the required procedures. It may sound like an overly obvious recommendation, but a poorly made or missing document can complicate entry into the country of origin.
  • It is important to be clear about the requirements of the country when you intend to enter. A good example of the above is the following: “if you are going to study in Australia, it is crucial that you present the Genuine Temporary Entrant or letter of intent, where you confirm that you have the objective of pursuing your studies and returning to your country of origin once finish.” (García,2022)


It must be kept in mind that each country or territory you intend to enter requires specific procedures to be followed. The documentation, procedures or paperwork may vary according to the laws and policies of each place; However, the documents that are generally requested to travel abroad are the following:

  • Document Apostille.
  • Passport and visa with valid date. It is advisable to take into account the delivery times of each document so that it does not interfere with the travel process and until everything is in order, do not purchase travel tickets.
  • International health insurance.
  • Hosting Certification.
  • Money for maintenance.
  1. Get a medical checkup

Another very important factor: “it is necessary to have a complete medical check-up to avoid any risk during the trip. This way you will know your health status and you will not incur expenses, procedures or care while you are away.” (García,2022)

3. Exchange money and have a budget

When exchanging currency for a trip abroad, it is essential to “find out if credit and debit cards have international coverage and if withdrawals can be made at the destination.” (García,2022).

  • Another necessary requirement is to make a properly organized budget that allows you to manage money. You must take into account the costs of entry, rent, deposits, transportation, food, among others.

4. Acquire new knowledge

The factors that affect each trip are part of an individual process and the factors that affect it are as diverse as there are human beings. According to statistics, what most influences the decision to migrate is to go to work to raise the quality of life; If this is the driving point, it is very important to acquire knowledge or reinforce what one already has, whether at the level of knowledge, technical skills or professionals and, from this, look for job offers and demands in this regard that can meet the need. However, if you do not have knowledge or tools with academic or technical support, it is important to document the workforce needs according to the countries to hire people in unskilled jobs that are being scarce or not developed by natives. Always keep in mind that to have better inclusion and development it is important to consider that, “as long as migrants acquire more qualified knowledge, they can access some unskilled jobs that do not require prior experience or specific studies” (García,2022).

5. Find out what the best accommodation options are

The most common thing among migrants is to choose housing once they are in the destination country, but the most advisable thing is to look for accommodation options by selecting different sectors or areas to live and identify what the costs of these rentals would be. This advance way of doing things will allow you to better visualize expenses and how much budget you will have when you move, in addition to analyzing what type of sector and house best suit your needs and preferences.

6. Check the weather

Paying attention to the climate is essential to avoid unnecessary expenses such as hospitalization due to illness, since sudden changes in temperature between a country can generate this type of inconvenience. In addition, knowing the weather will also help you know the type of clothing you should wear.

7. Prepare psychologically for the change

“Finally, one of the tips for emigrating is to prepare emotionally to face the changes that this process entails. We must keep in mind that there may be difficult days, especially at the beginning” (García,2022).



García, A. (28 de enero de 2022). Obtenido de https://www.labrujulaverde.com/2022/01/consejos-para-emigrar-7-tips-antes-de-viajar-al-extranjero


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